
280 lines
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import random
from collections import deque
from typing import Any
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.engine.input_layer import InputLayer
from keras.layers import BatchNormalization
from tensorflow.python.keras import Sequential, regularizers, Input
from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Dense, Lambda, Dropout
from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.adam import Adam
from minimax.minimaxAlgo import MiniMax
from utilities import Board
from utilities.constants import WHITE, GREEN
from utilities.gameManager import GameManager
class ReinforcementLearning():
def __init__(self, actionSpace: list, board: Board, colour: int, gameManager: GameManager) -> None:
Constructor for the ReinforcementLearning class
:param actionSpace: The number of possible actions
:param board: The game board
self.gameManager = gameManager
self.actionSpace = actionSpace
self.board = board
self.state = self.board.board
self.colour = colour
self.score = 0
self.epsilon = 1
self.gamma = .95
self.batchSize = 512
self.maxSize = 32
self.epsilonMin = .01
self.epsilonDecay = .995
self.learningRate = 0.0001
self.memory = deque(maxlen=10000000)
self.model = self.buildMainModel()
def AITrain(self, board: Board) -> tuple:
Learns to play the draughts game
:return: The loss
self.board = board
self.state = self._convertState(self.board.board)
self.actionSpace = self.encodeMoves(self.colour, self.board)
if len(self.actionSpace) == 0:
return self.score, None
action = self._act()
reward, nextState, done = self.board.step(action, self.colour)
self.score += reward
self.state = self._convertState(nextState.board)
self._remember(deepcopy(self.board), action, reward, self.state, done)
return self.score, nextState
def AITest(self, board: Board) -> Board:
Runs the AI
:param board: The board
:return: The new board
actionSpace = self.encodeMoves(WHITE, board)
if len(actionSpace) == 0:
print("Cannot make move")
return None
totalMoves = len(actionSpace)
# moves = np.squeeze(moves)
moves = np.pad(actionSpace, (0, self.maxSize - totalMoves), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1))
act_values = self.model.predict(self.normalise(moves))
val = np.argmax(act_values[0])
val = val if val < totalMoves else totalMoves - 1
reward, newBoard, done = board.step(actionSpace[val], WHITE)
return newBoard
def buildMainModel(self) -> Sequential:
Build the model for the AI
:return: The model
# Board model
modelLayers = [
Lambda(lambda x: tf.reshape(x, [-1, 32])),
Dense(512, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
Dense(128, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
Dense(64, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
Dense(32, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)),
Dense(16, activation='linear', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))
boardModel = Sequential(modelLayers)
# boardModel.add(BatchNormalization())
boardModel.compile(optimizer=Adam(learning_rate=self.learningRate), loss='mean_squared_error'), None))
return boardModel
def _replay(self) -> None:
trains the model
:return: None
if len(self.memory) < self.batchSize:
# Not enough data to replay and test the model
# Get a random sample from the memory
minibatch = random.sample(self.memory, int(self.maxSize))
# Extract states, rewards, dones
states = [m[0] for m in minibatch]
rewards = [m[2] for m in minibatch]
dones = [m[4] for m in minibatch]
# Encoded moves
encodedMoves = []
for state in states:
encodedMoves.append(self.encodeMoves(self.colour, state))
# Calculate targets
targets = []
for i, moves in enumerate(encodedMoves):
if dones[i]:
target = rewards[i]
target = rewards[i] + self.gamma * self._maxNextQ()
encodedMoves = np.array([np.pad(m, (0, self.maxSize - len(m)), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1))
for m in encodedMoves])
targets = np.array(targets), self.normalise(targets), epochs=20)
if self.epsilon > self.epsilonMin:
self.epsilon *= self.epsilonDecay
def _remember(self, state: np.array, action: int, reward: float, nextState: np.array, done: bool) -> None:
Remembers what it has learnt
:param state: The current state
:param action: The action taken
:param reward: The reward for the action
:param nextState: The next state
:param done: Whether the game is finished
:return: None
self.memory.append((state, action, reward, nextState, done))
def _act(self) -> Any:
Chooses an action based on the available moves
:return: The action
if np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon:
# choose a random action from the action spaces list
mm = MiniMax()
value, newBoard = mm.AI(3, self.colour, self.gameManager)
if newBoard is None:
return random.choice(self.actionSpace)
where = self._boardDiff(self.board, newBoard)
return self._encode(where[0]+1, where[1]+1)
if len(self.actionSpace) == 1:
return self.actionSpace[0]
encodedMoves = np.squeeze(self.actionSpace)
encodedMoves = np.pad(encodedMoves, (0, self.maxSize - len(encodedMoves)), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1))
actValues = self.model.predict(self.normalise(encodedMoves))
val = np.argmax(actValues[0])
val = val if val < len(self.actionSpace) else len(self.actionSpace) - 1
return self.actionSpace[val]
def resetScore(self) -> None:
Resets the score
:return: None
self.score = 0
def _convertState(self, board: list) -> list:
Converts the board into a 2D list of numbers
:param board: 2D list of pieces
:return: new 2D list of numbers
num_board = []
for row in board:
num_row = []
for piece in row:
if piece == 0:
if piece.colour == 1:
return num_board
def _encode(self, start: tuple, end: tuple) -> int:
Encodes the move into an integer
:param start: Tuple of start position
:param end: Tuple of end position
:return: Encoded move
start_row = start[0]
start_col = end[0]
end_row = start[-1]
end_col = end[-1]
# Concatenate into integer
return int(str(start_row) + str(start_col) + str(end_row) + str(end_col))
def _maxNextQ(self) -> float:
Calculates the max Q value for the next state
:return: the max Q value
colour = WHITE if self.colour == GREEN else GREEN
encodedMoves = self.encodeMoves(colour, self.board)
if len(encodedMoves) == 0:
return -1
paddedMoves = np.array(np.pad(encodedMoves, (0, self.maxSize - len(encodedMoves)), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1)))
nextQValues = self.model.predict_on_batch(self.normalise(paddedMoves))
return np.max(nextQValues)
def encodeMoves(self, colour: int, board: Board) -> list:
Encodes the moves into a list encoded moves
:param colour: Colour of the player
:param board: The board
:return: list Of encoded moves
encodedMoves = []
moves = board.getAllMoves(colour)
for move in moves:
where = self._boardDiff(board, move)
encodedMoves.append(self._encode(where[0]+1, where[1]+1))
return encodedMoves
def _boardDiff(self, board: Board, move: Board) -> np.array:
Finds the difference between the two boards
:param board: The current board
:param move: The new board
:return: the difference between the two boards
cnvState = np.array(self._convertState(board.board))
cnvMove = np.array(self._convertState(move.board))
diff = np.subtract(cnvMove, cnvState)
diff = np.nonzero(diff)
return diff
def normalise(self, data: np.array) -> np.array:
Normalise the data
:param data: the data to normalise
:return: normalised data
return data / 10000