rodude123 52614e5835
All checks were successful
🚀 Deploy website on push / 🎉 Deploy (push) Successful in 21s
Added in a cookie popup and proper newsletter functionality
Signed-off-by: rodude123 <>
2023-12-06 00:38:33 +00:00

168 lines
5.4 KiB

namespace api\user;
require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/routesInterface.php";
require_once "userData.php";
use api\utils\routesInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Slim\App;
class userRoutes implements routesInterface
private userData $user;
* constructor used to instantiate a base user routes, to be used in the index.php file.
* @param App $app - the slim app used to create the routes
public function __construct(App $app)
$this->user = new userData();
* creates the routes for the user
* @param App $app - the slim app used to create the routes
* @return void - returns nothing
public function createRoutes(App $app): void
$app->post("/user/login", function (Request $request, Response $response)
// get request data
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
if (empty($data["username"]) || empty($data["password"]))
// uh oh user sent empty data
return $response->withStatus(400);
if ($this->user->checkUser($data["username"], $data["password"]))
// yay, user is logged in
$_SESSION["token"] = $this->user->createToken($data["username"]);
$_SESSION["username"] = $data["username"];
$inactive = 60 * 60 * 48; // 2 days
$_SESSION["timeout"] = time() + $inactive;
$response->getBody()->write(json_encode(array("token" => $_SESSION["token"])));
return $response;
$response->getBody()->write(json_encode(array("error" => "Unauthorised")));
return $response->withStatus(401);
$app->get("/user/logout", function (Request $request, Response $response)
return $response;
$app->get("/user/isLoggedIn", function (Request $request, Response $response)
if (empty($_SESSION["token"]) && empty($_SESSION["username"]))
// uh oh user not logged in
return $response->withStatus(401);
$inactive = 60 * 60 * 48; // 2 days
$sessionLife = time() - $_SESSION["timeout"];
if ($sessionLife > $inactive)
// uh oh user session expired
return $response->withStatus(401);
if (empty($_SESSION["token"]))
// user is logged in but no token was created
$_SESSION["token"] = $this->user->createToken($_SESSION["username"]);
return $response->withStatus(201);
$response->getBody()->write(json_encode(array("token" => $_SESSION["token"])));
return $response;
$app->get("/user/checkResetEmail/{email}", function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
if (empty($args["email"]))
// uh oh sent empty data
return $response->withStatus(400);
if ($this->user->checkEmail($args["email"]))
// yay email does exist
$_SESSION["resetToken"] = $this->user->sendResetEmail($args["email"]);
$_SESSION["resetEmail"] = $args["email"];
return $response;
return $response->withStatus(404);
$app->get("/user/resendEmail", function (Request $request, Response $response)
if (empty($_SESSION["resetToken"]))
// uh oh not authorized to resend email
return $response->withStatus(401);
$_SESSION["resetToken"] = $this->user->sendResetEmail($_SESSION["resetEmail"]);
return $response;
$app->get("/user/checkResetCode/{code}", function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
if (empty($args["code"]))
// uh oh sent empty data
return $response->withStatus(400);
if ($_SESSION["resetToken"] === $args["code"])
// yay, code code matches
return $response;
return $response->withStatus(401);
$app->post("/user/changePassword", function (Request $request, Response $response)
if (empty($_SESSION["resetToken"]) && empty($_SESSION["resetEmail"]))
// uh oh not authorized to change password
return $response->withStatus(401);
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
if (empty($data["password"]))
// uh oh sent empty data
return $response->withStatus(400);
if ($this->user->changePassword($_SESSION["resetEmail"], $data["password"]))
// yay, password changed
return $response->withStatus(201);
return $response->withStatus(500);